Visual and Verbal Branding for an award-winning Children’s Author and Illustrator

Client: Brigette Barrager

Length of Relationship: Ongoing (1 Year)

Services: Brand Strategy and Execution | Website Design and Development | Email Marketing Design


Brigette Barrager came to me with the goal of creating a home for all her work online that really felt like her own. Her work was all over the internet, but at the time, she didn’t even have a wikipedia page where background information about her could be found in one place! She wanted a website that was clean and clear, as well as flexible, and where she could control the narrative about herself and her work. 


Brigette and I worked very closely to define what success would look like on her project. We looked at many many examples of brands and websites from colleagues and other illustrators worldwide to articulate what the website that would house her wildly colourful and fun work would look like! Through our branding sessions I got a very good sense of who she was as a person, and how we might bring that to life online!

Design Process

It was clear from the very beginning that Brigette’s logo needed to be hand-lettered, and there is probably nothing more intimidating than hand-lettering for an illustrator! Nevertheless, I persevered, and we went through probably 5 rounds of hand-sketches to hone in on what we thought would be the perfect thing. Brigette herself came up with the idea of the cats, and so the logo was an entirely collaborative process between us to get to something that showcased exactly what she wanted to say in her brand. 

We got really specific with our colours too, ensuring that what we used would work in all sorts of combinations, and keep the brand looking flexible and fun all the way!


Brigette’s logo and website look fabulous, and are a great showcase of her personality through and through. Her website is simple to operate, logs projects chronologically, and showcases her body of work in an easy to modify timeline format that serves as a true testament to the fact that if you put the work in, you will end up where you’re meant to. 

Her portfolio setup allows the process of the work to be clear and interestingly laid out, so viewers can see the work behind the finished masterpiece. Her site is inviting, inclusive and inspirational, ensuring that her personal welcoming nature and tone of voice come through the whole way. 


Her brand-new site is getting lots of compliments, and she’s loving it, too. We’ve designed a template in Mailchimp together, and Brigette has begun publishing a newsletter with unheard-of click-through rates. She will surely build her loyal following from here!

I'd love to hear from you

Do you have a website or brand that needs a refresh, redesign, or all out strategy revamp?

Do you feel like you have the start of a brand but need the content, communications, and values-orientation expressed in an audience-focussed way? Do you know you need something, but you’re not sure what?

I’d love to hear from you. 

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